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Showing posts from December, 2011

1228 - 1237, Psalm 115

1228. Sleeping in 1229. Daddy waking up with the kids (without us even talking about it) 1230. Myself and 3 kiddos snuggled in Blake's bed (when I finally did wake up) 1231. My mom helping me organize my kitchen 1232. Saturdays 1233. Trust filled friendship 1234. Being "caught" at a drive through 1235. Baskets fitting perfectly on an old shelf 1236. Empty sinks 1237 "Our God He IS, our God He WAS, our God He's ALWAYS GONNA BE" Quick thoughts/prayer on Psalm 115: So thankful for Your LOVE and FAITHFULNESS, Lord. May we not put other "gods" before You Lord.  Thank you for the reminder that if we do we will be like those gods - with mouths that can't speak, eyes that can't see, ears that can't hear, noses that can't smell, hands that can't feel and feet that can't walk.  As we continue to learn how to put you first, Lord - give us mouths that speak, eyes that see, ears that hear, noses that smell, hands that feel an

1216-1227, Psalm 114

1216. Blake laughing till he cries 1217. Cole - "daddy does bean bags" 1218. Grandma, the smiles she brings, and...the help that she is to this tired momma 1219. A new toilet seat 1220. Knowing you made a right decision though it was a hard one 1221. Laughing with friends 1222. My friend Jess - a wonderful hostess 1223. Compliments 1224. Long drives with good friends 1225. The funny things other people's kids say like "its a match" (long story). 1226. "We ask God for patience...and we want it now" - a fellow "momy". 1227. The fact that God is at work in me - be it ever so slowly Quick thoughts on Psalm 114 - Lord, may we see you as you really are...POWERFUL, SOVEREIGN, WORTHY OF PRAISE.  May we not take You or Your name lightly, but learn to LEAP and even TREMBLE in Your presence.  May we BELIEVE Lord that you turned a rock into springs of water, and KNOW that you are the same God yesterday, today and forever.  You still move mo

1202 - 1215, Psalm 113

1202. Unexpected mall trips 1203. Grandma buying our boys perfect bath toys 1204. God working through ALL THINGS 1205. Reading 1000 gifts with my mom 1206. Getting lost, and actually finding my way home with a map (that is quite miraculous for me) 1207. Being reminded the importance of praise and thanksgiving, both through 1000 gifts and Psalm 113 1208. Having a bad dream, and waking up incredibly thankful it was just a dream 1209. Perfect timing 1210. Finding a lost cat 1211. My sister 1212. Being, and continually learning how to be a HAPPY MOTHER OF CHILDREN. 1213. Sprouted Ezekiel English Muffin Pizzas with tomato paste and fresh farm cheese 1214. Matt actually eats them, likes them & requests them 1215. Out of town friends that I get to see tonight :) :) :) Psalm 113  1 Praise the LORD.[a] Praise the LORD, you his servants;   praise the name of the LORD.  2 Let the name of the LORD be praised ,  both now and forevermore .  3 From the rising of the sun

1192 - 1201, Psalm 112

1192. Remembering that though we celebrate Christ's birthday on earth, He has always been 1193. Our kids taking their time opening presents (wanting to play with each one before opening the next one) 1194. Celebrating Christmas with three kids and three grandparents 1195. The kids playing with the least expensive gift more than any of the others - punch balloons 1196. Breakfast out 1197. Matt cleaning our entire basement 1198. Listening to Tammy Wynette with my mom 1199. Watching Matt tune a fiddle 1200. Trusting God in situations where I used to get so frustrated that I couldn't trust Him 1201. Knowing I'll have another chance to record my countless blessings soon (cuz three kiddos are ready for their momma) Psalm 112[a]  1 Praise the LORD.[b] Blessed are those who fear the LORD,  who find great delight in his commands.  2 Their children will be mighty in the land;  the generation of the upright will be blessed .  3 Wealth and riches are in their h

1172 - 1191, Psalm 110-111

1172. Blake and Cole enthralled by the birds outside Avi's window 1173. A precious video (taken by Matt) of Cole and his "doggie" 1174. The way we are able to capture precious moments on film - so that we may treasure them forever 1175. The Lord providing at the last minute 1176. His Sovereignty (this one will probably make the list a million does His GRACE) 1177. Family 1178. Friends that feel like family (even ones that don't know they do) 1179. Free Wi-Fi in public places 1180. Hope of getting our Christmas card (well, maybe New Years card) printed today 1181. Precious photo cards of family and friends all lined up on our wall 1182. Counting down the days till Christmas with our construction paper chain (thanks for the idea Jamie & Trish) 1183. Blake, out of the blue  - "Mommy, why did God tell Adam and Eve not to eat the fruit on the tree" I answered (afraid to write my answer here in case it isn't entirely theologically sou

1155 - 1171, Psalm 109

1155. That we can come before God with open and honest hearts whether our attitudes are right or wrong - see the Psalm below 1156. David's example of coming to God with praise an prayer when he was struggling... rather than blaming and/or running from Him 1157. So thankful I don't feel like this towards anyone at this time (and hopefully never will) 1158. That though each of us deserves punishment (as it is clear that David's enemy did...not to mention David), God continually pours out His love and grace. 1159. God's SOVEREIGNTY, GOODNESS & LOVE 1160. Multitasking - listening in on a parenting conference call & getting Mount Foldmore folded 1161. Blake playing quietly and with a good attitude while the Cole and Avonlea rested. 1162. A whole week at home (and the fact that I LOVE being home now...that is a miracle in and of itself) 1163. Matt starting a load of laundry every morning - so at least I only have Mount Foldmore - instead of Mount Washmore :)

1143 - 1154, Psalm 108

1143. Pajama days 1144. Avonlea's expression when she sees daddy 1145. Frequent flyer miles - mom is coming for Christmas! 1146. Ugly/Beautiful - our messy house/the blessings that make it messy 1147. Unexpected evenings with daddy (he was too exhausted to play basketball) 1148. The children's book -  Circus Ship 1149. Cole sitting in the middle of a big group of kids (listening to Circus Ship) and raising his hand when the author asked a question (imitating the bigger kids) 1150. Cole's "performances" 1151. The way my heart melts when I watch my children in public places 1152. Realizing that God's heart probably melts in the same way (probably even more) when he looks at us. 1153. The life long search for "bear" (Blakes special stuffed animal that we never can find) 1154. The reminder of Gods GREAT LOVE and FAITHFULNESS found in Psalm 108 (below) Psalm 108 1 My heart, O God, is  steadfast ;  I will  sing  and  make music  with all my


1124. Singing Christmas music in the true spirit of Christmas 1125. My husband who woke up at 4:30am to fill bean bags 1126. Bean bag sales 1127. Ephesians 1128. Blake's teaching spirit (always teaching Cole) 1129. A potential last minute visit from my mom 1130. The train around our Christmas tree 1131. The smiles it brings our boys 1132. Cole - "mama, hugs pease" 1133. A surprise gift for the boys from an old friend - a magnetic nativity scene 1134. The boys fighting over the baby Jesus :) 1135. An anonymous financial gift - THANK YOU - whoever you are! 1136. Discussing the future with Matt 1137. Being used (hopefully) by God despite our weaknesses 1138. My "heart & home" friends who inspire me in and around my home 1139. Friends who love our bean bags - sounds silly, but it makes my heart smile 1140. Avi playing with a green balloon 1141. Joy in the simple things 1142. Playing and giggling with Avonlea

1107 - 1123, Ephesians 1:17-21

1107.  Avonlea - both our precious daughter and the "town" of Avonlea 1108.  The Belfast Maskers presentation of "Anne of Green Gables" 1109.  My soulmate arranging a babysitter so we could go (and on his basketball night) 1110.  Being surrounded by dear friends as we enjoyed the show 1111.  Learning more and more about the incredible blessings of children - both the joy they bring and the refinement that comes from raising them 1112.  Cole singing - "Jesus loves mommy, bang bang goes the hammer, Jesus loves daddy, bang bang goes the hammer, Jesus loves Blaker, bang bang goes the hammer". 1113. Avonlea's contagious squeal of laughter 1114. Ugly/Beautiful - Tinsel - beautiful on the tree, ugly everywhere else :) 1115. Finding hope and encouragement from other M.O.M.Y.S. (mothers of multiple young siblings) 1116. The anticipation of a fun evening with friends - celebrating the biggest gift we could ever receive - our Savior. 1117. Photo Christm

1081 - 1106, Psalm 107

All these one Psalm! 1081. God speaking through his word & His... 1082. Enduring love 1083. Redemption 1084. Deliverance 1085. Unfailing love 1086. Wonderful deeds 1087. Satisfaction in Him 1088. Subjection 1089. The ability to cry out to Him 1090. then...HE SAVES 1091. He breaks away chains 1092. He heals 1093. He rescues 1094. He fills us with songs of joy 1095. He brings us out of distress 1096. He stills the storm 1097. He guides 1098. We exalt 1099. He blesses 1100. He increases our numbers 1101. He humbles us through oppression, calamity & sorrow 1102. He lifts up the needy 1103. He increases our families 1104. We see and rejoice 1105. We heed these things 1106. We ponder the loving deeds of the Lord Psalm 107 (Emphasis Mine) 1 Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good ;  his love endures forever. 2 Let the redeemed of the LORD tell their story— those he redeemed from the hand of the foe, 3 those he gathered from the lands,