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957. A friend who MIGHT join me in blogging her gifts when I get to 1000 (and the fact that I'm almost at 1000!)
958. A pretty severe cold slowing me down and taking the pressure off (something about being sick helps me give myself permission to get less done)
959. An ALMOST two year old little boy!  We celebrated Cole's birthday with his Grandaddy, Ollie, Grammy & Grampy &  (GD & O were visiting from out of town)
960. Cole playing with a Blue balloon for almost an hour - while laughing hysterically
961. A WONDERFUL evening out with Granddaddy and Ollie - if you haven't tried Delvino's in Belfast, it is YUMMY!
962. Beautiful weather
963. Happy, healthy boys.
964. Second chances (I re-read through this list and realized I skipped 964, but that still had time to edit it)
965. Avonlea - my cuddle bug
966. My "Heart & Home" friends (an online to do list that inspires us to grow spiritually and domestically)
967. Our very own ABC you can guess the first three (Avonlea, Blake, Cole)
968. Cole's love of music
969. Our kitties cuddling
970. The collage full of blessings that hangs above our couch
971. Knowing that "His love endures forever"
972. Procrastination - sometimes its fun (like when writing this list instead of doing dishes)
973. Laughter - and learning that Blake's laugh is just like mine was when I was his age
974. A huge tractor outside our living room window (and 2 very happy little boys)
975. Feeding our neighbor's ducks
976. The beautiful pond that fills our kitchen window
977. Realizing a little bit more each day how much the Gospel applies to my every day life
978. All of the things that I am "behind" on (I wouldn't be behind if I couldn't afford clothes, dishes and a computer)
979. Train Coloring books
980. Bright orange baby girl crocs
981. Ollie, who picked both out :)
982. Blake and Granddaddy playing with legos
983. Avonlea sound asleep on Ollies shoulder (in her bright orange socks & crocs...Avonlea, not Ollie)
984. Realizing that I might make it to 1000 in THIS POST!
985. A friend who reaches out to me regularly, even when I am unreachable
986. Pumpkins, and looking forward to carving them with 2 excited little boys
987. Traci's Diner with our family of 5
988. Lego tractors & a very sweet, thoughtful Grammy & Grampy
989. Alone time with Cole
990. Fall in Maine
991. Matt picking out a new clock and painting for our living room (that he admitted he really likes the layout of)
992. Conversations with my mom
993. Learning that often the very things that cause frustration in my life end up being gifts from God
994. Soft scrambled eggs with cheese (though, this week I'm trying...once lay off the dairy)
995. A home made cho-cho train brownie cake (pictures soon)
996. Things coming together at the last minute (along with the goal to start planning ahead)
997. The layout of the new blog
998. Have I mentioned God's grace?  I will never be able to mention it enough.
999. The book "Respectable Sins" by Jerry Bridges - and the dear friend who lent it to me
1000. One Thousand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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